Tag Archives: video games

Journey is a beyond glorious experience.

Yesterday, I had the great excitement of having a game that I was greatly anticipating arrive in the mail. Certainly, I could have picked it up before straight from the PSN. However, at the time I wanted to wait for a sale. Then, this was announced:


and I knew for certain that I wanted it in that format. I was not disappointed by the set.

This collection is well worth the money. Each of the games are breathtaking. Not to mention, Flow, Flower, and Journey all provide soundtracks which are equally as majestic. Even when I was done playing Journey, I spent my time last night playing Flower and listening to the music from Journey.

If you have never considered picking up this title, you should definitely consider it. This game is unlike anything that I’ve ever experienced before. I believe that this game may have actually managed to capture the experience of just pure wonder at art in a game. Each moment was breathtaking to me. I do not know if I can explain in words how absolutely wonderful this game is.

For any that need more convincing to buy this game, here is some of the great music and visuals. Warning for spoilers. Hence, I shall hide it behind a more.

Continue reading Journey is a beyond glorious experience.

I’m so broke this year…

So, so, broke. However, the things I’m buying are so awesome. Dang you dillemmas!

I just came across this pair, and I’m so nabbing them!


My Monster Hunter plush collection is growing big-time. There’s a lot of Rathalos and Rathians, but I don’t care. They’re all so cute.

Journey’s Collector’s Edition also shipped out yesterday. I use prime, so that should arrive tomorrow, but I won’t be playing tomorrow. I have plans to Stream and play LBP 2 with the WOM. So, Journey will have to wait until Thursday.

Oh, that reminds me, I should try to nab the soundtrack for Journey. I had heard one song during Video Games Live, it was quite enjoyable. For that matter, I should also hunt down Skyrim’s theme and add it to my music collection.

Seferia excels at dying

A pity that the Fall of Cybertron doesn’t excel at much at all. I’m certain that many missed this over the weekend, for it was unscheduled. Not to mention, I had a short bit where my X-split was lying to me. It claimed that it was streaming when it wasn’t. Anyway, enjoy watching as I die in multiple ways.

Watch live video from seferia on TwitchTV

Now, if you are at all interested in my opinion on Fall of Cybertron: Activision did screw up. Co-op was a big yay for War of Cybertron. It made the campaign fun and worth playing multiple times. Fall does not have Co-op. You play solo through very long and not too interesting levels. It feels like they drag on without anyone there to laugh at your failures/triumphs.

So, all you have left to play with your friends is Escalation or multiplayer. Both are ok, but they just aren’t good enough on their own.

In my firm opinion, if you are not some hard-core Transformers fan, this title should be skipped.

Seferia gives in to the power of Umbrella

A few months ago, Seferia bought an umbrella and she was happy. The umbrella was one that replicated the iconic Maltese cross of the Umbrella Corporation.


I was happy and content at the time, for I thought that I had gotten around the fact that Amazon and the Capcom store both had pre-order bonuses that I wanted. However, then something occurred to me.


There was a second different Umbrella. I wanted both, but I didn’t want to give up on my Amazon pre-order either. Well, today I gave in and pre-ordered the 360 version from Capcom’s store so that I could have that second Umbrella umbrella. This will also give the other half of my friends the chance to torment me. So, it’ll work out.

Two new streams from yesterday

They’re mostly dry and just have me messing around alone. However, feel free to watch them.

Be warned, my active play of the Last Story has some scathing review elements. I can’t say that I fully enjoyed it.

Watch live video from seferia on TwitchTV

and then I switched the White Knight Chronicles:

Watch live video from seferia on TwitchTV

I finally did defeat the boss by turning all the AIs to hyper-drive. However, yea… I did rage quit there. Didn’t matter. No one was watching.