Tag Archives: video games

Seferia is starting to form a theory.

It’s not a very sound theory, but it is a theory… Trillian might be the cause of some amount of instability for my streams. I may need to keep it closed in order to improve performance. Or… replace my video/sound cards. Given that my vid/sound cards are still basically awesome… I’ll go with option #1.

Anyway, tonight had two different streams. First, there was the continuation of the combination of two epic laughs of insanity. Unfortunately, mid-conversation, skype went crazy and Seferia had to reboot her computer in order to get it working again. Feel free to watch it here.

Continue reading Seferia is starting to form a theory.

The stream of epic laughs has been made.

Seferia and Shevaman, two people known for different forms of insanity have finally managed to make a stream together. Unfortunatley, Seferia had an issue mid-way through her stream where things went black… Her computer had been showing the preview in one screen, but not the other and things… yea…

Sorry about that. However, there is pleanty of content to enjoy!

Continue reading The stream of epic laughs has been made.

Halcyon Presents a WOM Production!

Last night, four members of the WOM agreed to a long-term commitment of love and dedication. We shall tough it out through every weather and prove that we are enGAIGEd in every manner that can possibly come to play. As proof of our intentions, we finally put together a stream that had been plotted for weeks.

Watch live video from seferia on TwitchTV

Enjoy the devastation. Feel free to pick on my silly mistakes. I’d happily pick on them.

Seferia is caught up at work and healing from surgery

So, she is going to be blogging more once again. Sorry for the long departure from my own site, I just took a basic break from the internet after my surgery in order to help promote healing.

Many already know what occurred, so I do not feel like giving a long detailed post on that for the time being. I’m healing, all’s good, and life is moving on.

Instead, I want to make a post of utter ridiculousness because I can make a post of that nature here. It is fully in my rights to post my insane thoughts. Thus, I am posting them for the world to see.

I wish to formally propose that the “Rule of Seferia” be made an official statement hidden somewhere in the localization of a Monster Hunter game in some date in the future. The rule has been proven true, and I think it should be made known to all.

What is the “Rule of Seferia”? Well, many have witnessed it in action and saw it to be true and very effective, so I shall list the rule right now.

The Rule of Seferia:

If the subject named Seferia is hunting a monster and doing anything aside from relentlessly attacking the monster, such as healing or setting a trap, the monster will immediately turn its attention to Seferia and aim to counteract the actions of said Seferia. In effect, Seferia is always wearing the Taunt skill, even when her armor does not have taunt anywhere near it.

Furthermore, observation has added a second part to the Rule of Seferia. If Seferia makes a call for death prior to the start or near to the start of a quest, there is a 90% chance that Seferia’s prediction will come true. This perdiction may include the number of deaths or who will die. Her predictions are to be considered highly accurate.

I have video proof of the first section of the Rule of Seferia as well as many eye witnesses that have praised it for making them look good. The Rule is real.

Though in all seriousness, I’m only joking around and don’t care if it never shows up as some hidden text. Though it would be cool

In other news… My PS3 YLOD, so I can’t stream any MH from there this week. It is in for repairs and should hopefully be back next Tuesday.

Dang, the holiday season is quickly approaching

This is a short blog today, for I don’t really have much to comment on at the moment.

I’ve been looking at the dates and going “dang, it’s time to spend a lot of time on my Amazon Wishlist again”. Just shy of 2 months away from my birthday, then soon after, it’ll be Christmas season. I already am buying myself a WiiU, so I might as well fill up my wishlist with stuff and update the notes so people don’t just assume old stuff on there is really wanted.

It’s kind of a fun little activity, messing with my wishlist and updating it. Keeps me entertained at work, at the least.

Meanwhile, I got to GR 19 in White Knight Chronicles II last night, yay! I am just 9 more levels and one more GR away from being an 80! Then… I need a lot of Vels and stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. Stuff is good. Mmmm-hmmm.

I am really grateful that I joined the guild that I did in WKC, though. NekonimisFTW has been a great group. We all have helped each other and been rather friendly. Though I’ve only met a small handful of the entire guild so far.

Hopefully I’ll be able to convince more of my friends to join the game, because the online quests are really fun.

Why does Japan get all the good stuff?

Many of you have noticed that I am currently addicted to White Knight Chronicles II. It’s not at all obvious from witnessing my status state that I’m playing it more often than not on my PSN. No, it’s not obvious at all…

However, I must morn my choice in games. I always fall in love with games where the US doesn’t get all the goodies. Starting with my love for Final Fantasy VII (Before Crisis, anyone?) to Monster Hunter to this game. I just always pick that game where I will always be wishing for that thing that isn’t quite in my grasp.

Le sigh to me. It is a regrettable state of my existence. Until then, I shall continue to explore Japanese sites and go “oooo!” to all the goodies.

I mean really… so many quests that I want here. Like this:


Dang you, iPod!

Making me want to play Beat Hazard when I can’t!

This song recently came up in my random playlist:

As I’m listening to it, I’m just imagining all the ways that I’ve screamed in fear and terror as I tried to survive all ten minutes in Beat Hazard on Insane while playing this song.  In fact… Now that I think about it…  That might make a fun video to record!

I’m pretty certain my X-split can manage being the recorder for such an event.  Yay for idea spawning.