Tag Archives: seferia

Ok, going to do another character profile

This time, I’m actually going to do a real character profile. I’m not going to do the quickly thrown together timid character profile that I added at the end of Jenna’s entry. Also, for the record, I probably will go back and redo a proper profile for her. I was mostly analyzing the designs and changes that I had done to her through the years with my artwork. I was also just establishing her as a creation that preceded a certain contest.

Anyway, enough of the rambling. On to the main present. I present for your reading pleasure the details on the creature whose name you are well acquainted with. She is the being that is highlighted the most out of my fictional works because I abuse her name.

I present to you, Seferia Catanya.

Not quite the avatar picture that I use, huh? That’s because the avatar I use is not Seferia at all. So, time for the education to begin.

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