Tag Archives: alien

It’s been much too long

Sorry to anyone who might actually look at this blog, I’ve been a horrible person this past year and been busy with life in one way or another. So, I’ve not had a good chance to post here for a while. If you’re interested, I’ve been playing a lot of MH 4, which entertained me quite a bit for a good long time. In fact, MH 4 still entertains me, for it is a great game. However, I also have a bunch of other games that I want to play for a bit, so I’m working on them for the moment.

Also, these past few months have been filled with a choice to try to take some courses and improve my education. I’ve found that the local community college offers courses in Japanese, so I’ve been indulging myself in those courses. I have every intention of taking each of the courses they offer in the language so that I can come closer to being able to properly understand it. Some people may have noticed that I made very simple sentences in Hiragana on Twitter. Unfortunately, I do not know enough to go much farther than the simple sentences, but there will come a day in which I might be able to listen to raw Japanese without subtitles.

Anyway, as for the reason that I am making this post, I’ve been busy producing livestreams, and I hadn’t put them up on this blog! So, please feel free to check out the recordings after the break.

Continue reading It’s been much too long

One day, need to hunt these down

Today, someone asked me a question about my plush collection, which lead to me looking up the site of the maker of a set of plushes that I absolutely love. I have not been on this site for quite some time, so, it was very nostalgic to go back on there.

Unfortunately, it also brought back one other thing. I had skipped out on some of the great and fun plushes that Toy Vault had made due to money constraints. One day, I really should go back and hunt down those few plushes that I never really had the chance to get.

See, I had fallen in love with some of the designs such as this one:


And I had always been on the sidelines with this one.


However, if I were to go back and get a plush that is missing from my collection, it would not be a Toy Vault plush at all. No, the one that I really want to go back and hunt is made by Palisades. For a time, I was collecting life-size chestburster. I have the facehugger, regular, and queen chestburster. However, there was a final one that I just didn’t have the money to nab back then.
