One day, need to hunt these down

Today, someone asked me a question about my plush collection, which lead to me looking up the site of the maker of a set of plushes that I absolutely love. I have not been on this site for quite some time, so, it was very nostalgic to go back on there.

Unfortunately, it also brought back one other thing. I had skipped out on some of the great and fun plushes that Toy Vault had made due to money constraints. One day, I really should go back and hunt down those few plushes that I never really had the chance to get.

See, I had fallen in love with some of the designs such as this one:


And I had always been on the sidelines with this one.


However, if I were to go back and get a plush that is missing from my collection, it would not be a Toy Vault plush at all. No, the one that I really want to go back and hunt is made by Palisades. For a time, I was collecting life-size chestburster. I have the facehugger, regular, and queen chestburster. However, there was a final one that I just didn’t have the money to nab back then.


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