War Info for 8/3

I’m going to be very upfront on today’s war, it’s going to be rough. However, I am going to be upfront with another bit as well, we are doing well in Gold League so far. So, even though this is going to be a very rough war, we have been kicking butt.

So, everyone do your best and fight tooth and nail! Hmm… that’s not very Transformery… oh wells.

Onto the line up!

Base #1

This looks like a real pain at first look. However, there is a secret to this base. That one motar to the left is genuinely under construction. So, there is one less motar than it appears. So, go left and take out the guns as you go.
This looks like a real pain at first look. However, there is a secret to this base. That one motar to the left is genuinely under construction. So, there is one less motar than it appears. So, go left and take out the guns as you go.

Base #2

At first look, it appears that either way is equally viable. However, you should look again. See that scanner that is on one side and not the other? Go left and accept that extra energy.
At first look, it appears that either way is equally viable. However, you should look again. See that scanner that is on one side and not the other? Go left and accept that extra energy.

Base #3

This guy is going to be a doozy for many people. He has strong bots waiting to pop up right under a shock trap. So, here are a few strats: You can either bomb both the motar and laser around the trap and launcher like I did, this takes them out. You can also use a Skywarp to distance obliterate those two obstacles. Useage of EMP is likely to be very useful here.
This guy is going to be a doozy for many people. He has strong bots waiting to pop up right under a shock trap. So, here are a few strats:
You can either bomb both the motar and laser around the trap and launcher like I did, this takes them out.
You can also use a Skywarp to distance obliterate those two obstacles.
Usage of EMP is likely to be very useful here.

Base #4

Another whopper of a base that will give people trouble. I am certain I've taken him out myself while farming though. So, here are some tips: DO NOT GO RIGHT! It's a trap, go left and build up energy there. There is a launcher behind the base that cannot be seen in this picture. The beams are only levl 4, so not that strong for a level 1 base. His shock trap is level 3, so be careful there. Good luck!
Another whopper of a base that will give people trouble. I am certain I’ve taken him out myself while farming though. So, here are some tips:
It’s a trap, go left and build up energy there.
There is a launcher behind the base that cannot be seen in this picture.
The beams are only levl 4, so not that strong for a level 1 base. His shock trap is level 3, so be careful there.
Good luck!


While he may appear easier than the prior base, he does have some decent level defenses. Aerial teams might be your bread and butter. Starting direction doesn't matter.
While he may appear easier than the prior base, he does have some decent level defenses. Aerial teams might be your bread and butter. Starting direction doesn’t matter.

So, let me wrap this up by stating that these guys are the #33 ranked alliance. They have some strong teams and will be a tough foe. Do not think badly about anything that happens, I won’t.

Good luck to all!

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