Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Desire

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Kat Aclysm

Aeris: I don’t think he’s a coward. He just doesn’t think on the same wavelengths as everyone else does. *grins in amusement at the thought, then crouches down* There’s not much you can do to help here, unless you’re a mechanic. And considering that you don’t like getting your hands dirty… *runs a finger along a pipe, raising it to show the layer of black grease now on her finger*

Sephiroth: *mumbles* I’m fine… just hungry, and bored out of my mind.

Hojo: *ignores Jenna and shakes up the contents of one of the beakers, then pokes at it with a finger before walkign to the sink to discard it* Dead… *hisses and glances towards the door again*