Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: Phase Two

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Jenna: Shut up, you idiot. This is not the time nor the place. You are in more than mortal danger where you are. Get out of here and I’ll explain anything you want, later. *scowls at the silver-haired ex-general*

Sesshou: *snaps open her eyes as she senses Seph’s nearby presence. Nearly immediately after coming out of her trance, she whips her head toward Seph. As she moves, she deattaches her tentacles from the feeding ports and pulls them into her main body. In the meantime, she rears up and begins forming her excess energy into a bipedal draconic form with tri-layered wings. For now, the snake, who towers over Sephiroth at a 30 foot height, is still solely a mass of glowing energy, so it might not be obvious that she is the same who had caught Sephy*