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Kat Aclysm

Zack: *”Well, I have some money so I’ll scrape something together. I’m sure she’d like it anyway. I already spent a lot of money on her medical bills, and I’m still paying for…”* *trails off, going quiet. The plane soars over the house and taxies across the grass field, and then the engines begin to power down as the plane is turned off*

Sephiroth: It doesn’t disable one’s sexual potency or desire. *narrows his eyes slightly at the suggestion and grunts* I wouldn’t do anything if it killed that. *picks up the soap and gently nudges Jenna forward so he can wash her off*

Orion: *happily wiggles away and sits at the other end of the bath, picking up the rubber toy, trying to drown it under the water once more*