Prep talk for the upcoming event

Hello, my fellow Decepticons! As your leader, it is my duty to show you how to be a wicked killing machine, especially when it comes to events. This is especially important because I’m going to be pushing you harder than before to get minimum scores.

While I’m not aiming for the top seating in these events, I would like to see a decent position out of our team. Moreover, I want you all to grow stronger teams. So, racking up the points in these events is a win-win situation for all of us.

So, onto the tips on what you should do to get high scores with minimal effort.

Continue reading Prep talk for the upcoming event

All Your Base War 8-11 SG Zhan Nan – Back to Gold

Well, that was a quick trip in Silver. We have definitely proved that we are better than silver. Let’s keep on pushing these gold wars and keep our position in the game!

So, tonight’s war is a bit of an awkward one. There is only one base to really be concerned about. The rest should be no issue for most players.

Onto the line-up!

Continue reading All Your Base War 8-11 SG Zhan Nan – Back to Gold